The Captains Curse – Lisa Kessler

This book contains:

  • Kidnapping
  • Murder
  • Blackmail.

Ian is the Captain of the original Sea Dog pirate ship and sacrificed everything for those he loves. While he feels separated from his crew, he still remains steadfastly loyal to his crew beyond what most would expect.

Lily is a writer who’s been dating Ian for some time, and yet finds herself well and truly out of her depth when Ian’s past catches up to her. While she strives to keep her independence, she also knows that she needs to be there for Ian.

Right when Ian was about to reveal his greatest secret to Lily, his world is thrown into chaos. He left her to try and protect her from his old enemies, and yet, she’s inextricably drawn into the fray and he’s desperate to keep her safe. Even if she fights him the whole time.

As the last book in the series, we get several storylines closed that have been brewing for a few books. While it was great to have these closed off, there were a few small details that I would’ve loved to have been addressed at this ending that weren’t.

The character arc that we discover for both Ian and Lily were really well written and kept you captivated throughout. So many little things about Ian that didn’t make sense in the previous book started to make sense. Little details that no one could understand now made sense. And in doing so, the depth of his character was unveiled in a way I wasn’t expecting.

Along with all the action I’ve come to expect from Lisa, this book delivered on so many levels.

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