The Bad Sister – Rachael Stewart

This book contains:

  • Deception
  • Love triangle
  • Divorce
  • Potentially non-consensual sex referenced/discussed
  • Financial distress.

Carrie is a Hollywood superstar trying to find more meaning in her life. While she’s got everything most people dream of, she feel unfulfilled and unhappy and can’t work out why. So she creates a plan to swap places with her twin sister so she can have a break from the media spotlight and figure out what she really wants.

Dan has made a name for himself as a club owner and manager across the UK. A long way from the days where his high school love dumped him callously and left for Hollywood, he’s determined to not leave himself that vulnerable ever again.

Carrie is secretly in London to get away from the media scrutiny she’s constantly under, and to figure out what she’s doing with her life. While in London, she’s doing everything she can to help her sister’s Club be the amazing location she believes it can be. Even if that means begging Dan to help her, for her sisters’ sake.

While love triangles aren’t usually something I enjoy, just because it can get so complex and messy between everyone, Rachael has outdone herself in giving us that complexity and messiness, without it being painful to read.

Add in the emotional damage Carrier inflicted while trying to end the love triangle, for his sister’s sake, and it creates another level of complexity that Dan and Carrier need to work through. While we followed along with their reconnection and attempted maintenance of their distance, I found myself constantly groaning and wondering how they could communicate so badly.

But I guess that’s the whole point. And of course, by the end they work it all out and we get an epic happily ever after for everyone involved.

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