Twisted Fates – Cassia Briar

This book contains:
  • Child kidnapping
  • Attempted murder
  • Death of loved ones
  • Ancient family feud.

Emma, Zane, Lucas, Cade, Claire, and the whole Penumbra Syndicate are back from our previous books, and for the final instalment of the series, we get the addition of the tough Agent Martin.

After fleeing their home in Seattle, they find their way to Cade’s ancestral home where they’re soon drawn into an investigation on behalf of the Council’s Supernatural Investigation Bureau. An investigation that aligns with their own desires in more ways than they could imagine.

There were some parts of this that I really truly loved, and others that I wished had been fleshed out a bit more.

The time spent with the Fae was probably my favourite. More so because it felt like Cade really truly got to express himself in a way that he’s most comfortable with. While Emma, Zane and Lucas backed him up like the family he wished he had from childhood.

Not to mention the final show down with 5th Circle’s leader, Vexx, was one that had me reading late into the night because I couldn’t put it down.

However, there were a few moments that felt a bit rushed. Almost like an editor or manager was like “let’s just wrap this up quickly” forgetting that as a reader, we’ve become invested in that storyline and may want a more fleshed out conclusion.

The added bonus from this book, that centres around Agent Martin, is something I was expecting, and while in the moment I didn’t enjoy. On reflection after finishing, I think it was actually quite nicely done. But maybe could have been introduced very subtly in the previous book to set that storyline up for us here.

In the end, I wanted more of this world and looked up Cassia’s other works, so expect to see some more reviews of her books down the line!

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