Thank You, Next – Kathryn Freeman

This book contains:

  • Death of loved ones
  • Drug addiction
  • Emotional impact of being abandoned and then adopted as a primary aged child.

Molly has felt a bit battered by life. Starting with her mum abandoning her as a child, and then struggling to find a guy who truly loves her for her. Throughout it all, she’s held onto her dreams of starting her own business and starting her own family that she can love wholeheartedly.

Ben and Duncan are our two love interests. While we start the book with Duncan and Molly together, he prioritises advertising his personal training business by appearing on a dating show over his relationship with Molly. But we quickly learn that Ben has previously dated Molly, is still in love with her but hurt her so badly it’s unlikely she could ever forgive him.

Molly’s boyfriend Duncan puts a pause on their relationship to appear on their favourite dating show, The One. He’s up front with her that he wants to promote his business so he can support her and their future family, but the show finds out that she’s his ex and invites her onto the show to add some drama.

What they weren’t banking on was needing to rope Ben into being the replacement for the guy they’d initially chosen for Molly. Or that it’d turn out he’d dating her a few years previously, and things did not end well.

As a sometimes fan of dating shows, I was 100% behind the drama The One would be looking for by having Molly join Duncan on the show. The one thing that surprised me though was the amount of alcohol they were allowed to consume while “filming” and the lack of producer input to create more drama.

Maybe it’s because I’m from Australia, I know in Australia there’s a limit on how many drink you can consume while filming to prevent people essentially making a fool of themselves thanks to being intoxicated. And I know from interviews with reality show contestants that producers here prompt them to say and do things that will outrage another contestant.

So maybe it’s different in the UK, I don’t know. It was just a difference I noticed that kept popping into my head.

Otherwise, Molly’s confidence in herself, and what she wants from life is amazing. Even if some of it took a little bit of prompting and encouragement from Ben!

Ben on the other hand was challenging. Since we don’t find out why he dumped Molly so unceremoniously a few years prior until late in the book. You’re left wondering what the hell happened and why he’s being so damn stubborn!

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