Crossing in Time – D.L. Orton

Welcome back everyone, Dave over at The Write Reads knows how to find me good fantasy and sci-fi books. And this isn’t any different, how does he keep finding books that leave me wanting more?

I’m a fan of time travel, especially when it’s about finding your lost love. It just screams amazing, epic, love story. What other kind of story can give you all the feels and leave you wanting more?

Based on the blurb, I thought more time would be spent in the past. I thought the way time travel would work would be different.

One of the great things about time travel is that every author can make it their own thing. I’ve seen quite a few different types of time travel of the years and explored the laws surrounding it. And still I was totally surprised about how this works!

Before I talk about the ending, I want to say one thing. The prologue doesn’t seem to fit with the story and when it occurs. The information in it felt conflicting once I got to the part of the story it sat in. I’m not sure if this was just something small that got overlooked, but a couple of sentences really made it feel weird to me. And it’s something that can be easily fixed so I wanted to call it out.

Ok. The ending.

What an ending!

Of all the twists and turns we’d already experienced in the story that ending was NOT one I saw coming!

I got to the end and all I could think was “But…but…wait…no…what? What just happened?” Obviously, that means I need the next book. I need to know what happens next. I need to understand which of the theories going through my head might be right!

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this review; on Friday I’ll be starting my reviews of the Boys of Jackson Harbour series by Lexi Ryan with Straight up Love. Continue to read further down to find out about the author.

Author Bio

DL ORTON, THE BESTSELLING AUTHOR of the BETWEEN TWO EVILS series, lives in the foothills of the Rockies where she and her husband are raising three boys, a golden retriever, two Siberian cats, and an extremely long-lived Triops.‍

In her spare time, she’s building a time machine so that someone can go back and do the laundry.

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