Michelle Styles

Born and raised near San Francisco Califorinia, Michelle Styles currently lives a few miles south of Hadrian’s Wall with her husband, three children and menagerie of pets. An avid reader, she became hooked on historical romance when she discovered Georgette Heyer, Anya Seton and Victoria Holt in her school’s library. Michelle enjoys writing stories in a wide range of time periods including Roman, Viking, Regency and early Victorian.

How I found Michelle's books

Michelle reached out to me about reviewing Sent as the Vikings Bride and was kind enough to send me a copy to read and review. She’s was one the first authors to contact me directly and I felt absolutely honoured, especially because she’s published with Harlequin Historical. 

Why you should read Michelle's books

I love the little details the most. While the overall romance, drama and action are amazing; the little details that Michelle has painstakingly researched and included in her descriptions make it come alive.

Most of her descriptions I can clearly picture in my mind as I’m reading her books. 

What Michelle writes about

Michelle writes about historical romance. While I’ve only read her Viking romances, she does write about more than that. 

My top picks

Top pick

I’m going with Deal with Her Rebel VikingI really enjoyed the idea of an English woman (and family) making a deal with Vikings and finding love. 

As I read this I found myself constantly surprised (it’s a romance, you wouldn’t have thought that would be possible would you?) and I love that!

Second pick

I’m going with Sent as the Viking Bride with this one. I know she has so many books (and I really do want to read more of them!) so I dunno if this will change in the future. 

But I really did enjoy this one!

It felt so classically Viking to me, so for my first Viking BOOK, it was PERFECT!

My chat with Michelle

1. What first drew you to writing novels?

I first became interested in writing novels because I loved reading and had an active imagination as a child. It is something that I wanted to do. It was always something I was going to do until in 2003, I collapsed with a severe attack of gallstones. When you develop jaundice, you need to see a doctor and not put it off because you are in charge of a PTA fundraiser. I then realised that some of my dreams were worth pursuing including becoming an author. It took me two years and seven rejected manuscripts before I sold my first book.

3. What drew you to historical romance?

I love history and believe that flawed humans made history. I first fell in love with history due to historical fiction and hope that my books might make someone else fall in love with it.

5. What is your greatest writing achievement?

Hopefully it hasn’t happened yet. Even after more than 31 novels published, I like to think I am getting better. But if I have to choose one,. I would say it was finishing that first manuscript because then I knew I could finish something, I could get to the end. Something like 95% of people start but never finish their manuscript. Once you have done it, you know you can do it again and again.

2. What is your aim with your writing?

My aim is to introduce people to unusual aspects of history and to show them that even though society and its rules were different, people still experienced the same emotions. It also enables me to hold a dark mirror up to today’s society and perhaps discuss its problems in a slightly different way. For example, one of my recent books The Warrior’s Viking Bride, my heroine was a Viking warrior, a woman who was operating successfully in a man’s world and who had been trained to be a very specific type of person, even though she remained vulnerable underneath.

4. How do you decide what stays in your books when editing?

It depends on how it reads after it goes on the page. The real art in writing is the revisions and editing so that it can become a thrilling and page turning read. Sometimes, in early drafts I have a tendency to repeat my ideas or allow the tension to flag. It is about seeing those places where I can increase the reader’s enjoyment of the story.



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