Legacy of the Brightwash – Krystle Matar

This book contains:

  • Mutilation and murder of children
  • Murder, suicide and assassinations
  • Oppression of a group of people
  • Corruption in political and incarceration systems.

Tashué is an upstanding citizen working as a Regulation Officer in his local city. He prides himself on upholding the law and being fair to everyone. While his own son is incarcerated in the Rift, despite his best efforts to keep him out, he’s committed to his job and doing the right thing.

Tashué is the first on the scene of a newly discovered body of a young girl. What he didn’t expect to see was the level of mutilation to such a young body. While he was taken off the case officially, he can’t help but try and solve the murder because no one else seemed to care about finding who could commit such horrific crimes.

This was such a dark and grungy book that at first, I didn’t think I could enjoy it. But the more I read, the more I found myself drawn in.

The way Krystle timed each new revelation, detail and poignant moment meant you’re never left getting bored or wanting the crime solved. Instead, she’s built an extremely complex world with social, political, magical and racial intricacies that hook you in and keep you wanting to find out more.

I don’t want to say too much about the story itself because it’ll detract from your experience reading it. But everything felt like it had a place in the story, there were no elements that felt like an afterthought or a “O we should add this in for the hell of it”. That cohesive nature tells me that the sequel is likely to be just as good, if not better than this one was.

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